Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Nativity Play

Friday the 11th had a big, bright circle around it on our calendar. I arranged to be out of work that morning, our cameras were given fresh batteries, and Henry's nice sweater was set aside.
Henry's preschool Christmas concert was set for that Friday and would involve a handful of Christmas songs like last year. Given that the kids are 4 this time around, the school upped the ante and added a nativity play along with the songs.
About a month ago Henry's teacher approached us with the idea of Henry reading the narration while the play moves around in the foreground. It seemed like a great fit -- Henry is a good reader and dislikes singing and walking around in costume. Henry soon jumped on board when it was explained that there would be no costume for the narrator.
So we soon began practicing the script nightly, noticing his clarity and volume improving each day. Ms. Nancy also reported the same strong results from their school practices. Each iteration got better and better, but as parents we were nervous about what show time would bring. Speaking in front of a crowd isn't even fun for most adults.
Skipping to the result, Henry did great. He was not rattled by a full room of people and their glowing smart phones, nor did he neglect to aim his words into the microphone. As parents, we couldn't be prouder of our young man.
After speaking to the principal after the performance, I can report several more reasons the 4 year old Christmas performance was a smoother event than other 2015 performances at Amazing Grace.
  • There was no nudity. As in, a young lady did not pull her dress over her head.
  • There were no "runners" during the performance.
  • There were also no accidents during the songs.
 The entire nativity play is below, and it is 9 minutes in length.

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