Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Having spent many years in Chicago, I have a healthy distaste for large crowds. I deliberately avoided the Taste of Chicago and shied away from the lakefront path on summer weekends. Anchorage has a handful of large events, but none are on par with anything in Chicago, so we always head on down with a spring in our step. Fur Rendezvous is in full swing and will last another week, but we were only concerned with the snow sculptures, fireworks, and the model train exhibit. This added up to an hour or so on Saturday evening with a a plan to include the train exhibit as a warm up spot.

The snow sculptures are always impressive. In the past we have seen them at the end of the festival, which leaves them a bit worn down. This time most were brand new and a few were still being tinkered with. My favorite two are below. More pictures here.

Henry had a great time in the 23 degree snowing dusk -- he always has fun when they are many, many new things and people to look at. Mommy just brushed him off now and again and we kept cruising along.

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I think this video best captures the charm of fireworks in winter Alaska (no fireworks in the summer -- too much daylight). It doesn't have the multiple "Boom!" and "Wow!" declarations Henry was giving before Becky clicked on the camera though. He gets camera shy it seems.

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